Guide:How to attempt the Spire (2024)

More about Trimps:
Exploration:Helium UniverseRadon UniverseMapsUnique mapsUnlocksImpsStoryLoot
Basic Information:Trimp (species)ResourcesStructuresJobsUpgradesEquipmentSettingsCombat
Long-term Gameplay:Helium/RadonPerksHeirloomsFormationsMasteryAchievementsLiquificationFluffy/Scruffy
Gameplay Changes:PortalChallengesVoid MapsChallenge²/Challenge³Player's SpireSpire Assault
Anomalies:Broken PlanetCorruptionSpireMagmaEmpowerments of NatureObsidianMutated zones
Other Useful Info:GuidesCalculatorsChangelogMods

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We'll cover progress points which require less than a day of total run time under the requirement of being at least somewhat active. While clearing the Spire is your main objective, it's unreasonable to expect to clear the Spire the first few times you arrive at Z200. Instead try to aim for specific rows and return at a later time with more Helium and Spire perks.

At this point, most readers will be wondering, "How do I know when I'm ready for this?" Unfortunately, there are so many variables in Trimps that it's difficult to give actual milestone numbers. We can give rough estimates, but any future updates that introduce new mechanics, perks, achievements or anything else alike may change how difficult the Spire is at certain helium levels. It's advisable to read the general Spire info section beforehand.

One rough milestone for "When am I ready to start?" would be: when you can comfortably finish a Corrupted challenge run, you can probably get through the first three rows to pick up Toughness II and Power II. That should be around 150M Helium as of game version 5.7, but it also depends on your Challenge² bonus, Robotrimp bonus, Achievements bonus (and thus how many Golden Upgrades you get), Heirlooms, etc.

You'll probably be ready for a full Spire attempt at about 2-3 times that Helium level.


  • 1 General Information and Tips
  • 2 Notes on Automation
  • 3 Going for the first row
  • 4 Additional rows
  • 5 Going for your first clear
  • 6 Equipment Cost Efficiency
    • 6.1 Attack Equipment
    • 6.2 Health Equipment
  • 7 Daily Challenges and Challenge²
  • 8 Additional Spires
    • 8.1 Spire 2
    • 8.2 Spire 3
    • 8.3 Spire 4 and beyond

General Information and Tips[]

Not everything in this section is mandatory but following it helps quite a bit.

  • Don't artifically slow down your run by trying to obtain an unreasonable number of Warpstations during early zones as it more than likely won't even result in a single extra coordination but waste a lot of time. Only the last few Gigastations really matter, and as long as your 30th Giga (zone 150) and beyond are somewhere around 160 warps you should be fine for a full clear. You don't need anywhere near this for a few rows.
  • Good Heirlooms are pretty much required. A staff with Miner Efficiency + Metal Drop Rate, Lumber/Wood is optional but helps with nurseries. Shield with Attack, Crit Damage. Health and/or Breedspeed (preferably the prior) will help a bunch but quickly becomes useless past the spire. Your call. Crit Chance is always nice to have.
  • Each spire row grants a +2% looting buff, so grab those which are easily accessible before farming for hours. The same applies for Gigastation and Mega Miner, they will speed up your farming and grant an additional coordination or two.
  • Bone Upgrades: Quick Trimps if you want to. Its a ~41% health increase via Geneticists. Also get Golden Maps for obvious reasons.
  • Run Garden maps preferably 26 or 28 size for 1 extra cell of loot via overkill. Use Extra Zones for extra prestiges and Large Metal Cache for metal to upgrade your equipment.
  • Use your idle farming time to increase your breedtimer, 10 minutes minimum for +150 Geneticists compared to standard 30s. Results in +345% Health. Can even be stretched to several hours.
  • Grab Golden Battle instead of Helium -- most likely 5 for +45% attack and health on a partial clear, or 6 for +63% on a full clear.
  • Level your equip efficiently. A table below will shows certain values. If you decide to go for XLI or higher equipment via BW VII keep in mind that you will gain 9.4x the attack/health value of the previous tier for 20x the cost so don't overdo it.
  • Miners above everything. Feel free to fire ALL your Farmers but keep a few Lumberjacks for Nurseries and a bit of block. You should have at least enough block to not get hit in z200 maps including BW VI otherwise the increased breed timer won't work properly.
  • Remember to use your MagnetoShriek for Droupitee. Its a ~50% attack decrease.
  • Also attempt all Challenge² and get them as high as you can. The attack and health boosts means less helium is required to beat the Spire. It should now be possible to clear it with less than 500M total helium.

Notes on Automation[]

You won't need to worry overly much about automation in your first Spire clear, but eventually you'll want to set things up for automatic clears. Therefore, it's helpful to understand how the automation tools interact with the Spire.

The game has a Setting called "Map At Spires" (under Settings->Other). This setting has been in the game for many years, which will help you understand why it's so limited. If this setting is enabled (it is by default), you will be dropped to the map chamber upon reaching cell 1 of the Spire zone. It has other choices, but the important one is "Keep Fighting at Spires", which disables this setting.

Map At Zone is newer, and it takes precedence over the older Map At Spires setting. If you have MAZ rule(s) that trigger on cell 1 of zone 200 (or any other Spire zone), these rules will trigger upon reaching the zone, regardless of what Map At Spire may be set to. Map At Spire will be ignored in this case. However, if at some point you change your MAZ rules so that none of them trigger on cell 1 of the Spire, then Map At Spires will take over, if it's enabled.

Therefore, you might strongly consider disabling Map At Spires, just to avoid any future surprises.

Any automation that triggers in cell 1 of a Spire zone does not count as a death for purposes of your 10 lives before failing. This includes both Map At Spires and Map At Zone. This even includes multiple MAZ rules that trigger sequentially in cell 1.

However, any MAZ rules that trigger on cell 2 or later will count as deaths. Keep this in mind when setting up automation.

Going for the first row[]

The first two rows of the Spire are going to be interesting because while they're the weakest in terms of enemy health and damage, they will also contain a few Corrupted enemies. When you're strong enough for a full Spire clear attempt, these will barely even be noticeable. But the first time you get here, they could be serious roadblocks, if you get unlucky with their types.

  • You should probably have a Challenge² bonus of at least 200%, magnificent or better shield + staff (with Attack on the shield and Miner efficiency on the staff), and the Robotrimp bonus from at least BW185 before even starting the run.
  • You should have all the Exotic Imp-orts by now. A charged Bone Shrine is handy, but not essential.
  • Most likely you'll be doing this at the end of either a Lead run with Headstart or a Corrupted run, or maybe a Daily challenge. Run your Void Maps as usual, finish the run, and then push up to z200. If you're not comfortable with that part, you're probably not ready.
  • During the run itself, save the Trimple of Doom map, and select Golden Battle for each golden upgrade. Save your perk Respec, too.
  • When you get to z200, you'll be dropped into the map chamber. Take a moment to check on everything, running a map if you need to -- just make sure you exit back to the map chamber, not the world. Turn AutoFight off, and make sure your Geneticistassist timer is set to 30 seconds. Also turn off AutoPrestige.
  • Make a zone 199 or 200 map with Large Metal Cache, Garden type, and the best sliders you can afford. If you can't afford this map yet, farm fragments on a lesser map first.
  • Rearrange workers (heavy metal and light wood) if desired.
  • Farm the z199/200 map in S formation for a little while. Buy a few weapon prestiges if you need to, in order to get to the point where you can comfortably farm this map in this formation. When you're ready, run the Bionic Wonderland 200 map to get the Robotrimp bonus for it, if you haven't already.
  • Once you're at the point where you can comfortably farm your LMC map with impunity, change your Geneticistassist setting to at least 600 seconds. Kill your current group of trimps by pressing M twice and then the Continue button in the map chamber. This will start a 600+ second breeding. When that finishes, kill the trimps again and start another 600+ second breeding. The third group of trimps that you're using at this point will be the first group that has an actual 600+ second breed time, and thus the health bonus for it.
  • Let the game farm for a while. You can use Bone Shrine charges here, if you have them.
  • When you're done farming, run the Trimple of Doom map to double your resources. Buy every prestige you can (weapons and armor), and then dump the rest into nurseries, gyms and warpstations. Your current group of trimps won't get the bonuses from these buildings right away, but that's OK.
  • Use your perk Respec to reallocate Helium into battle configuration. Perky has settings specifically for this. You really should be using Perky. If you're not for some reason, then a short version is to take points out of Overkill, Artisanistry, Looting, Motivation, etc. (things you no longer need) and put them into Coordination, Carpentry, Resilience, Power, Toughness, etc. (things you do need).
  • Make sure AutoFight is off, and go to the world map. Switch to D formation. Take a breath, and then start fighting.
  • Use "stance dance" during the fights. When your health drops low (red or nearly red), switch to X formation. When it drops low again, switch to H formation, and stay there until the trimps die. Then switch back to D, wait for the breed timer to finish, and repeat.
  • If you manage to clear cell 20, you'll get a Gigastation, which should get you enough population for another Coordination or two.

With a little luck and preparation, you should be able to grab Toughness II from cell 10 of the Spire, and maybe even Power II from cell 30.

Additional rows[]

Basically, repeat the procedure above, but with a few tweaks as you become more powerful:

  • Your highest zone ever should be at least 210, to unlock the extra map levels.
  • You may want to run BW215 at some point to get a slightly higher Robotrimp bonus (certainly do this before the final clear attempt), or for equipment prestiges for more attack and health.
  • Upon reaching the z200 map chamber, make a z203 - z205 map (Random, No Modifier, min sliders) and run that a few times to pick up the prestiges, before returning to farming a proper z200 map for metal.
  • When you feel that you can grab the Gigastation in cell 20 without farming first, let your first group of trimps do that (plus as many other rows as they can, for the per-row looting bonus) before farming. The extra population will help you farm metal. Later still, you may apply the same principle to the speed book in cell 60.
  • While it cannot be used to assist in clearing the 100th cell, attempting the Spire with the Domination challenge active is an easy way to unlock Motivation II a little early.

You can keep doing this however many times you like, picking up new perks along the way. Motivation II (cell 50) will help with the farming for a clear attempt. Carpentry II probably won't be of much help at this stage of the game (too expensive right now), so don't focus on that, but having it certainly won't hurt.

Doing this a few times will help you get a feel for how close you are to a clear attempt, and how much farming will be required for it.

Going for your first clear[]

Basically, this works just like the previous section (additional rows), just with larger numbers. Before you begin the run, this is what you're expected to have:

  • Around 350-400M Helium (as of game version 5.7)
  • Toughness II. Power II and Motivation II from previous partial Spire clears
  • +Zone maps, unlocked at Highest Zone Ever 210
  • At least +250% Challenge² bonus (+300% recommended)
  • +1000% Achievements bonus, which you'll use for Golden Battle upgrades
  • Either BW200 or BW215 Robotrimp damage
  • Magnificent or better shield with at least 3 out of 4 combat stats (Attack, Crit Chance, Crit Dmg, Health)
  • Magnificent or better staff with Miner Efficiency (top priority), Fragment Drop, and Explorer Efficiency
  • Herbalist (tier 2 Mastery, not essential but strongly recommended)
  • Optional: enough spare bones to buy Golden Maps (20 bones), Sharp Trimps (25) and/or Quick Trimps (20) (none of these are essential either, but they will save time)

For the clear run itself:

  • Optional: use the Toxicity² challenge. You'll drop this on zone 200 after you've finished farming.
  • Golden Battle.
  • Spend bones on Golden Maps, etc. if you wish. If you're going to use them, there's no point in delaying them.
  • At zone 200, activate the Magnetoshriek, and disable any Map At Zone rows that could activate on zone 200.
  • Switch to your battle heirloom shield, if you need to.
  • Make a zone 205 map, and clear it for prestiges. A zone 204 or 203 map may suffice if you have enough Helium. A min-slider, no modifier, random biome zone 205 map costs 78.9Qi fragments; a zone 204 costs 20.4Qi, and a zone 203 costs 5.28Qi.
  • Grab the cell 20 gigastation, and possibly the cell 60 Mega Miner book, if you can do it without dying. If you're on Tox², cell 60 may be too difficult to attempt, due to the automatic damage you take.
  • Farm a zone 200 LMC map, plus Bone Shrine charges, plus Trimple, in order to buy the prestiges. If you're in Tox², remember to let the Toxic stacks reach their maximum before using the Bone Shrine. If you're not in Tox², take this time to set up an extended breed time. 10 minutes (600 seconds) is recommended for most setups. You can use higher or lower, depending on how much additional health you need.
  • The actual cost of prestiges will vary due to your Artisanistry perk. A full tier of upgrades costs 70.5 times as much as the Dagger upgrade alone, so if for example your Dagger 41 upgrade costs 200e51 metal, the full set of tier 41 upgrades would cost 14.1e54 metal. This may help you estimate when to stop farming.
  • Any extra metal can go into equipment levels.
  • After farming, drop the Toxicity² challenge (if applicable), and do a Spire Respec. If you used Tox², now is the time to set up that extended breed time.
  • Use D-X-H stance dancing to clear the remaining cells.

Good luck!

Equipment Cost Efficiency[]

Higher numbers are better. The next tier efficiency is equal to Lv1 * 0.5645 e.g for armor and Lv1 * 0.475 for weapons .

XL Dagger Lv1 = 1.71

XLI Dagger Lv1 = 1.71 * 0.475 = 0.81

Attack Equipment[]

Item NameLv1Lv2Lv3Lv4Lv5Lv6Lv7Lv8Lv9Lv10equal efficiency level

Health Equipment[]

Item NameLv1Lv2Lv3Lv4Lv5Lv6Lv7Lv8Lv9Lv10equal efficiency level

For a slightly better visualizable table:

Includes some Calcs that may or may not help you at some points. Feel free to copy them.

Daily Challenges and Challenge²[]

While you usually don't want to run any challenges during your Spire attempts, there are certain modifiers in the Daily Challenges and Challenge² that could allow for an easier time.

You obviously want to avoid any of the direct Health/Attack modifers as well as %Health damage (Plague and Bogged), Breedspeed (Dysfunctional and Toxic), reduced housing (Large), Weakness, Empower, Pressure or Mutimps debuffs. Map Health/Attack can be hindering but isn't the worst possible.

Mods that can assist you, check the Daily for information about their exact values:

  • Karma, a stackable loot buff (doesn't affect Chrono/Jestimp)
  • Dedication, increased gathering speed (works with Chrono/Jestimp)
  • Even Stronger, a damage increase on even Zones which applies to Spire
  • maxDamage, as the name suggest an increase to your Trimps' max damage
  • Rampage, stackable damage buff per enemy defeated
  • Metallic Thumb, reduced equipment costs

Challenge² that can be helpful in preparing for your Spire run:

  • Lead²: double resources gained from odd zones. Remember to abandon the challenge when you want to attempt the Spire.
  • Toxicity²: Increased loot from toxicity reduces farming time. Remember to abandon the challenge when you want to attempt the Spire.
  • With the addition of combined Challenge²s, Toxad² will let you use the bonuses of both at the same time. If you are doing this, do your farming on the last row of Z199, and abandon the challenge after you have progressed to Z200.

Additional Spires[]

Spire 2[]

Spire 2 occurs on zone 300, which is a poison zone. As such, your main task is to stay alive long enough for your Trimps to kill everything, with the help of stacking poison damage. Health, therefore, becomes a primary concern.

Prerequisites before starting:

  • About 30 billion Helium is recommended (as of version 5.9). It can be done with 20 billion, but it will take much longer.
  • The Overclocker DimGen upgrade (1 level is sufficient): optional, but highly recommended.
  • 2000% Achievements damage is recommended, for 12 golden battle levels.
  • A charged Bone Shrine is always nice to have, but not essential.

Before portaling:

  • Disable Nurseries in AutoStructure.
  • Set the Dimensional Generator to Gain Fuel. If you have Supervision, make sure it's also set to Gain Fuel the whole run.
  • Golden Battle.
  • Use Other C² with 0:2:1 helium:attack:health weights in Perky.

After entering the portal:

  • Use Toxicity² (drop it after farming for the final prestige upgrades).
  • Do not buy any Nurseries until zone 300.
  • You must complete Spire 1, or Spire 2 will not exist. This should be easy; raid a +zone map if you need to.
  • If your Helium is below the recommended level, or if you don't have Overclocker, use an extra 50 map repetitions per zone (starting z234-ish) to allow the DimGen to tick instead of overclocking. This gives you extra population.
  • At zone 300:
    • Buy all nurseries.
    • Do a level 305 map for prestiges.
    • Do BW up to zone 305 if you haven't already.
    • Magnetoshriek.
    • Farm metal to buy the prestiges, if you need to.
    • Drop Tox².
    • Set breed time to 600 seconds, or whatever you prefer.
    • Do void maps.
    • Clear the spire.
    • Pat Fluffy.

After the spire, you will probably be able to push at least 10 zones in Scryer formation, and pick up some new Masteries.

Spire 3[]

This is very similar to Spire 2, except that this spire is on an Ice zone instead of a Poison zone. Ice makes survival easier, as it reduces the damage the spire enemies can do to you, but you will still need enough damage to kill them in a reasonable time frame, and enough health to survive while the Ice stacks build up.

Recommended prerequisites (as of version 5.9):

  • 2-3T Helium
  • 3000% Achievements damage

Tox² with Perky weights 0:6:1 should work. Raid a zone 405 map from Spire 3, and farm metal to buy the prestiges. You can do BW 410 afterward, if you haven't already, to pick up extra Robotrimp damage.

Be sure you complete Spires 1 and 2 on this run, or Spire 3 will not exist.

Spire 4 and beyond[]

  • Spire IV guide
  • Spire V checklist
  • Spire VI guide
Guide:How to attempt the Spire (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.