The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

-THE SCRANTON TIDIES, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1948.. 8- FOREST CITY CARBON DALE NEWS Reap, First Street and the Misses Natalie Watkins and Jane Haines, Main Street, are on a motor trip through the New England States. Midvalley Department Mrs. Carl Rltenbnrr, Correspondent Telephone 2t JOHN fUWALSH. Manager 33 Railroad Street.

OLYPHANT HOME DELIVERY OF MAIL BEGINS GREGORY WALSH DIES AT SCHOOL BOARD TO NAME News of Abingtons Clarkt Summit, Clark Green, Waverly, Dalton and Chinchilla, MICHAEL A. MECCA, Representative. Home Phone, Scranton 3-6403. News Items and advertising tor rhe rimes left at Waverly Community House, Waverly; Dalton Pharmacy. Dalton; Zychal's Store.

Chinchilla; Abington Crafts Shop. 421 South Street phone 681-R16. darks Summit and Brown's Pharmacy, larks Green Corners, or mailed to the main office of The Times wul receive prompt attention. TODAY; 2 CARRIERS APPOINTED LEO TO PRINGIPALSHIP Blakely-Peckville, Dicleton City, Jessup and OlyphmnU NINA EDWARDS, Representative, Home 86, News Items and advertising tor Ih rimes left at Burke's Pharmacy. Delaware Avenue and Lackawanna Street, Olyphant; Bloes' Pharmacy, 538 Main Street.

Peckville. rurock't' Restaurant, 1301 Main Street and Shannon'! Drug Store, 733 Main Street, Dickson City. Minnocozzi's Drug Store, 322 Church Street and the Mitchell House. 122 Constitution Avenue. Jessup.

or mailed "to the main office of The Times will receive prompt attention. Forest City, Aug. 2. Beginning today, home delivery of mail became effective with two deliveries daily. SON OF SCHOOL BOARD PRESI HIS HOME IH VANDLING WELL-KNOWN UPVAMiEY RESIDENT WAS A NATIVE OF IRELAND AND A RETIRED MINE WORKER.

Carbondale. Aug. 2.1 Gregory 801 Main Street, Vandling, One in the morning- and one in the early afternoon and one morning delivery on Saturday. David Franoeski and Joseph O'Neill DENT IS SLATED FOB ELEC- I TIOX TO JOB AT COLU3T-BCS SCHOOL TOXIGHT. Carbondale." Aug.

2. If the agenda of the Carbondale School Board which has been agreed upon for its regular meeting tonight carries, a principal Will be named for Columbus 1N0. JO School. Hospital Street. There is also the possibility that a supervisor of music for Franklin High School will be- named.

died at 6 o'clock this morning in his PECKVILLE and BLAKELY JESSUP CLARKS SUMMIT LEGION, vTfT W. PLAN CLAMBAKE FOR SEPT. 12 home after-a short illness. Mr. Walsh was a native of Ireland and a resident of Vandling many years.

He was a retired mine worker and a member of St. Agnes' Church of ForestCity. UNITED CHOIRS DELEGATES WILL DALTON WOMEN PLAN GARDEN PARTY Dalton, Aug. 2. A garden party will be conducted by the Dalton.

Junior Woman's Club on Rawling'a Estate Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 11. at 2 o'clock. The affair is being held for th benefit of the WeU Baby Clinic, which the club sponsors. Plana are being made to have swimming, pony rides and refreshments.

GLENBURN Slated for the Columbus School MEET TONIGHT IN JESSUP HALL prVncipalship is John Leo Jr son or WILBUR SORDON CHAIRMAN The delegates of the United Greek FOR VETERANS AFFAIR AT surviving are nis wire, me xor-mer Miss Catherine Kane; four daughters, Mrs. Genevieve Craig and Mrs. Margaret Hohnadle of Beaver Mrs. Kathleen Sisco, Vandling. -and Mrs.

Agnes King of Brooklyn, N. and four sons, Edward and Francis, Weirton, W. Thomas. Canton, Ohio, and Sylvester Walsh, New York City. Catholic Choirs of Northeastern Pennsylvania will meet tonight at are carriers assigned to regular duty.

At least two additional carriers will be appointed in the future. Postmaster Joseph Garrick, assisted by Miss Mary Fallon. Ben Yanchitis. Gregord O'Neill and Edward Royko. will be on duty at the local Post-office.

Thomas McCormick is rural delivery carrier. Local residents must have mail boxes and correct numbers on their houses All boxes must be placed on first story landings. Carriers will collect stamped letters up until the time the letter drop boxes arrive and are placed at street corners in the community. Definite arrangements for parcel post delivery have not been made, and until appropriations for truck delivery are allocated, one of the office employes will be assigned to the delivery. Other News Briefs.

The Women's Republican Club will hold its regular meeting in the Borough Hall at 6 o'clock tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caine of Philadelphia are spending some time at the home of the latter's mother on Railroad Street. Edward Baron of Ithaca, N.

First Avenue. Plans will be completed for the annual outing to be Jield on Sunday, at Exeter Park, Exeter. John Ba- bich. St John Choir, Scranton, will preside. The following delegates from Holy Ghost Greek Catholic Choir, Jessup, are requested to attend: Kathryn Board President John T.

Leo, filling of the position has been held In abeyance since the retirement a year ago of Prof. Joseph W. Man. mon. the directorate being divided on the selection of his successor.

However, it is now officially known, that the son of Director graduate of the University of Scranton and who has been doing postgraduate work the past several months at East Stroudsburg" State Teachers College will be the unanimous choice. The post was temporarily filled by Prof Donald W. Kennedy. There is- also the possibility that the board will -name an assistant to "the young lady who has been agreed upon for supervisor of music at the time her appointment is made to succeed Prof. Leon Bly.

who retired at -the close of the school term in June. The assistant, if one is appointed, will have charge of the teaching and directing of. the high school band. The board members are reported in accord on the selection of Musin J. Bly.

if the additional situation is created. Recovering From Operation Miss Sona Serio, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank V. Serio, is a patient in the Woman's Hospital.

New York City, where she is recovering from an appendectomy. CHINCHILLA Ketcha. Mary Pezak. veronica Jacko, Steve Markanich, Edward Molnar, LEWIS' GROVE. LAPLUME.

COMMITTEES NAMED. Clarks Summit, Aug. 2. Plans are being completed for a joint clambake by Joseph M. Bailey Post American Legion, and Abington Memorial Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Wilbur Sordon. general chairman, announced today. The clambake will be held at Lewis' Grove, Laplume, on Sunday, Sept. 12. Mr.

Sordon will be assisted by the following: Russell Parry. Amos Reed, John "Donvito. Charles How-arth, Edward McHale, Frank Lehn-ert, M. Siptroth. Amos Clark.

Bruce Stone and Jack Keene. Committees for the various activities wil lbe appointed at a meeting of the general committee to Le held next week, Mr. Sordon said. OUR LADY OF SNOWS CHURCH John F. Remmiskey and John Him- chak Jr.

Only delegates will be permitted at this meeting. Rev. Andrew Stim is SDiritual advisor and Prof. M. S.

Pauley is director of the local choral group. spent the weekend in town. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chervanka and daughter of Carbondale spent Friday at the home of the former's BUBBLE GUM CONTEST WILL BE mother here.

Peter Slick and Willard Irion re USES WEEKLY REPORT Olyphant Aug. 2. New unemployment compensation claims registered at the Olyphant Area Office, Pennsylvania State Employment Service," for the week ending July 29, totaled 125, according to a report this morning by Arthur Jeffrey, area manager. Continued such claims numbered 755. New servicemen's readjustment allowances totaled 6 with 585 such claims continued.

Mr. Jeffrey also reported that jobs are aavilable in the Poconos. Interested persons are invited to apply at the employment office. HOLY CHOST CHURCH NOTES Novena devotions will be held today at 3:30 and 7:30 o'clock at Holy Ghost Church. Confessions will be held Thursday at 4 and 7 o'clock for the Altar and Rosary and Sacred Societies.

First Friday masses will be said at 7:15 and 8 o'clock, with Sacred Heart devotions after the second mass. will be heard Saturday at 4 and 7 o'clock for the Holy Name Society and boys of high-school age. ZELLA ASSIGNWASS URVEYOR PFC Elmer Zella. son of Mrs. Marie Zella of 117 Moosic Street was assigned as surveyor with the 29th Engineer Topographic Battalion upon his arrival in the Philippines, it was announced today by the Public Information Office, Headquarters, PHILRCOM in Manila.

A graduate of Olyphant' High School before he entered the Army on July 21, 1947, Private Zella served at the various units stationed in the United States before he sailed aboard the United States Army Transport General Haan" for his overseas service in the Philippines last June. SOFTBALL GAl SCHEDULED The Jolly Rogers and Nudelman's Haberdasher's will meet in the third game of their final playoff series for the postseason championship of the Olyphant Commercial Softball League this afternoon at 6:30 o'clock at Brown's Field. The Rogers will observe "Charlie Klem Day" in honor -of their star rightfielder and Richie Ashburn of the Rogers' family. The Rogers evened the series at one game each Friday night via a 6-2 win. The furth and fifth games will be played Wednesday and Friday, respectively, of this week.

The sixth and seventh games, if necessary, will be played the following week. Frank R. Liberty INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Health and Accident. Phone Olyphant 870-R. Adv.

Aug-tl Vacationing At Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn and son, Jack, formerly of Olyphant, and Mrs. Quinn's sister.

Miss Ellen Greggs. New York, are vacationing at Lake Winola. Health Center Open The Child Health Center in the Borough Building will be open tomorrow morning from 10 o'clock to noon. turned from a trip to Canada. ANNA G.

BUBERMAK IS DEAD; FUNERAL SERVICES WEDNESDAY Carbondale, Aug. 2. Miss Anna G. Bubemiak. forty-three, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Pantalimon Buberniak, Lake Idlewilde, Uniondale R. died in the Genera 1 yesterday afternoon. She had been ill several months and was a patient at the hospital for twelve days. Miss Buberniak was bom at Simpson, and for twenty-seven years was employed at the K.

H. Colville home in this city. She was a member of St. John's Russian Orthodox Church, Dundaff. i Surviving are her parents, two sisters.

Mary and Ina, New York City, and three brothers, John Carbondale; Peter, Long Island, N. and Harry, Philadelphia. The funeral will be held from the home of her parents at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday morning. A requiem mass will be celebrated in St John's Church at Dundaff at 9:30 o'clock. Interment will be in the parish cemetery.

li'RS. CATHERiBOYLE DIES; FORMER CARBONDALE RESIDENT FEATURED AT PICNIC TONIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Duda of Newark, N. spent the weekend at the home of -the latter mother here.

-i COLLECTS $431 IN FUND DRIVE Tonight's features at the annual Miss Jeane Bovit of Newark, N. visited at the home of her parents here over the weekend. ARCHBALD Belle Myers. Correspondent 608 North Main Street picnic of Mcihael Steiner Post No. 411, American Legion, will be bubble gum and other contests.

The picnic is being held on grounds adjoining the legion home. A soap box derby will be held tomorrow night at 7 o'clock, beginning at the legion home. Church Street. The picnic will continue through Wednesday night Party Tonlte IP.M. Jessup Post 5544, V.

F. W. club-rooms. Bridge Street. Adv.

All-Mon-tl In the mid-Summer drive 'being conducted by Our Lady of the Snows Church, workers have collected $431. Rev. Robert A. McNulty reported to the parish yesterday. The drive began July 15 and will endU Aug.

15. The drive is being conducted to raise funds to reduce the church debt. A meeting of the workers will be held in the basem*nt of Our Lady of the Snows Church Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Rev. Father McNulty said.

Committees will meet in the basem*nt tonight at 8 o'clock ot complete plans for a victory celebration to be held at end of the COUNCIL OT OPEN BIDS AUG. 11 SMITHS ENTERTAIN AT HOSE Mr. and Mrs. Francis Smith entertained at a dinner in their homa recently in observance of Mrs-Smith's birthday anniversary. Guests were: Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Govan of Justus. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and daughter.

Barbara of Dickson City. Mr. and Mrs. J. J.

Oakes and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Smith. Sr. of Chinchilla.

Note of Local Interest Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houser ot Newark, are visiting Mr, Houser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Houser of Scott Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Howell Thomas of Brooklyn. were guests of Mrs. Francis Smith last week-Mrs.

Margaret Walsh of Scranton visited her sister, Mrs. Cor inn Smith, over the weekend. Mrs. Walter Keenan and Mrs. Francis Smith Sr.

have returned, from a brief visit in Elmhurst- A meeting of the Royal Daughters Class of the Chinchilla Methodist Church will be held in the home of Mrs. Gladys Watkins of Layton Road Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. HONESDALE Correspondent Marion L. Bats, Citizen Office. Phono 187.

MISSKARIONCRONUNJTEOIN MARRIAGE TO KELVIN MASKER FOR STREET OILING PROJECT Archbald. Aug. 2. Bids for 18.000 JESSUP BOOSTERS WIN gallons of oil to be used in oiling the unpaved streets of the borough will be opened by Borough Council on Wednesday night, Aug. 11, it "has been-announced by Borough Secre MONTHLY fIRE REPORT ISSUED The ClarksSummit Volunteer Fire tary Paul B.

McHale. At the same time the borough Jessup, Aug. 2.i The Jessup Boosters Association defeated the Jessup Rangers in a baseball game Saturday afternoon by the score of 17 to 12. Betti. Angelonl and Fidatti hit home runs for the Boosters, driving in eleven runs.

Possanza did a fine pitching job f6r the Boosters. Buckshon hit a fathers will receive proposals for furnishing a giader, on a rental basis. Company traveled a total of thirty nine miles during July to answer eight fire alarms, according to the together with a grader operator. When the two contracts are awarded, the borough will be in a position monthly fire report issued today oy KISS CLARA STEVENpRIDE IF LOUIS HAHB OH SATURDAY Carbondale. Aug.

2. The mar--riage of Miss Clara Stevens, daugh-, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis C. Stevens, .217 Powderly Street, to Louis Harr, son of Mr.

and Mrs. William Harr, 121 Lower Powderly Street, was solemnized at 1 o'clock Saturday evening in the Berean Baptist Church. -The nuptial was performed by Rev. C. Gordon The wedding music was played by Prof.

Oswald Evans and he soloist was Mrs. William VerrilL The bride was attended by Miss Gertrude Kilmer as maid Of honor and had for her- bridesmaids her sister. Mi.s Lois Stevens: Miss Marilyn VerrilL a 'cousin, and Miis Evelyn Cavage. The best man was Clifton R. Verrill and the ushers were William Mitchell.

Jack Daniels and Joseph Dombrosky. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents after which Mr. and Harr left on a wed-s ding trip, i They will reside on Pow-derly 5 COBB SUFFKSASCK INJURY Carbondale, Aug. 2. Henry "Cobb, fifty.

R. Jermyn; suffered injuries to his back at the Coal Brook Colliery power- house yesterday when he walked Into a steel girder and was Ithrown down a flight of stairs. His condition has been reported as good from the General Hospital where he is to be X-rpyed to determine the full extent of his injuries. JAMES KILPATEICK'S RITES I Carbondale. Aug.

2. The funeral of James F. Kilpatrick, 600 Main Street. Forest City, a former member of the Vandling Borough School Board, was held this morning from the McGranaghan Funeral Home, 513 Main Street. Forest City.

A high mass of requiem was cele Carbondale, Aug. 2. Mrs. Catherine Boyle, formerly of Carbondale, died yesterday at the home of her sister, Mrs. James McCabe, 27 Auburn Street.

Wilkes-Barre. She was the widow of Edward Boyle, who died three years ago. The deceased was a I native of County Mayo, Ireland, the former Margaret Moran, and came "to Carbondale as a child. She had lived in Wilkes-Barre since her marriage. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs.

McCabe, and- Miss Bridget Moran, Carbondale. and two nieces, Mrs. Frank Gilhool and Mrs. George Mullen, Carbondale. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning from the McLaughlin Funeral Home, Wilkes-Barre, with a requiem mass 9:30 o'clock in St.

John's Church. will be in St. Mary's "Cemetery, Hanover Township. Fire Chief H. M.

Haverly. to proceed with its most extensive dirt road repair program in recent A total Of 102 volunteers responded home run for the Rangers. Dance Mon. Nite GiombetU's Hall. years.

The councilmen feel that by to the eight alarms, Haverly said. LIBRARY BWKS LISTED renting a grader and supplying local labor for the manamoth project Featuring Howard's Aggregation. Former members of Cab several thousand dollars will be saved It is also believed that the BOOSTER CLUB REPORTS GIFTS TO TOWN RECREATION CENTERS Blakely, Aug. 2. Equipment valued at $175 has been ordered for the Second' Ward Playground, according to an announcement thi? morning by Robert Bingham, secretary-treasurer of the Blakely Booster Club.

The Third Ward recreation centeF has received equipment of the same value, and $175 will be donated to a playground in the Firlt Ward as soon as a proper site can be found. The various civic and social organizations of the borough are, invited to participate in the play-ground setups, and those interested are! asked to contact Mr. Bingham or George Silvestri, Booster Club president. MRS. EMILY MMRELL TYSON SUCCUMBS AFTER AN ILLNESS Peckville, Aug.

2. Emily Mackrell Tyson, 547 Hickory Street, Peckville, "died Saturday night at home after a short illness. A native of England, she came to Olyphant fifty years ago and was a Peckville resident for the past twenty years. She was a member of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. Mrs.

Tyson is survived by her husband. William; three daughters, Mrs. Hubert Walsh, Peckville: Mrs. Joseph Botek, Jessup, and Mary, Buffalo, N. two sons, James.

Olyphant, and Joseph, Peckville; nineteen grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning from the home of her daughter, Walsh, 419 Hickory Street, with a requiem mass at 9:30 o'clock in Sacred Heart Church. Burial, Prospect Cemetery. MRS. JOPLING-BREAKS ARM Mrs.

James Jopling, 719 West Lackawanna Avenue, received, a fractured left arm Saturday night when she tripped and fel lat the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jopling, Cajaw Lake, Wayne County, Mrs. Jopling and daughter, Edna, returned home yesterday after spending the past week at the lake. AT MID-VALLEY HOSPITAL Girls were born at the Mid-Val-1 ley Hospital yesterday to Mr.

and Mrs. Alex DubeL 1334 Winton Street, Archbald; Mr. and Mrs. William Tasonyi, 310 First Avenue, an.i Mr and Mrs. Joseph Vangarelli, 3AG Grassyx Island Avenue, Jessup.

Joseph Tokash, 305 Jackson Street, Olyphant was admitted as a patient over the weekend and the following were, discharged: Mrs. Philomena Polidori and infant son, 1310 Winton Street Archbald: William Comonitski. 224 Elm Street Dickson City: NeDo Pauselli, 308 Hill Street and Mrs. Geraldine Munley and infant son, 114 Moosic Street Jessup. MORRIS FUNERAL CONDUCTED The funeral of Arthur Morris, formerly of Peckville.

was field Saturday afternoon from the Kinback Funeral Home, Erie and River Street, with services in charge of Rev. George R. Akers, pastor of the Peckville Methodist Church. Pallbearers were Jenkin Walters, Joseph Labarr. Walter Dains and Edwin H.

Kinback. Burial was in Prospect For Sale Five-room house with bath, 1106 Marion Street Adv Jy30-t3 PECKVILLE DEFEATS OLD FORGE The Peckville Veterans of Foreign Wars baseball team defeated the Old Forge Veterans team Friday night on the Mott Haven Ground by a score of 10 to 7 to even the count at one all. The deciding game will be played tonight in- Taylor, following which the winner will meet the Jessup V. F. W.

team for the tenth district championship to become eligible for the state championship. POST TO DlSCUSS PICNIC William Hopkins Post No. 570, American Legion, will, meet in specialsession tonight at 5:45 o'clock in the Blakely Hose Rooms. Com. James Pettigrew will preside.

Plans for the annual picnic will be discussed. Methodist Church Notes. The board of trustees of the Primitive Methodist Church will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer service will be held Wednesday night'at 7:30 o'clock. The Men's Berean Bible Class will meet Thursday night at 7:45 o'clock at the Symons Cottage, Chapman Lake.

saving will permit an 'extension of Calloway Orchestra. Vocalist Henri Pierre. Adv. A2-tl Suggested books for good reading are listed by Miss Theresa Knoetgen, librarian, at Clarks Sum-mit-Clarks Green High School library. They Fiction "Yankee Pasha," Marshall: "Sandy." Gray; "Stars On My Crown," Brown; "Jeff Roberts.

Railroader." Ford; "Friends and Lovers," Maclnnes; "The Big LOST Pair of shell-rimmed glasses the program. Announcement was made Saturday that the borough's quarter share from the state motor fund will be $1,771.79. This money is especially earmarked Friday night between Second Ave and Delaware St. Finder please re turn to 419 Second Ave.i or Phone for street bridge and road maintoen-ance or construction. Proceeds from the borough's 1 per cent wage tax, now entering its third month, will also be available for the work.

THROOP M. Ms Andrew. Correspea'eni Oly. 545. Reward.

Adv. A2-tl DICKSON CITY MONTROSE dies Armstrong, Corroopeao'oi Pboao Ut-J Guthrie: "Gus. The Great" Duncan: "Came a Cavalier." Keyes; "The Strong Room." Wheelwright; "The Seifert. Nonfiction "Fundamentals of Photography," fioucher; "Decorating Un-painted Furniture," Ornstein; "Toys You Can Make of Wood." Turpin; "Fifty Great Americans," Thomas and "Philadelphia Lawyer." Pepper. COUNCIL TO MEET WEDNESDAY A meeting of Borough Council will be held Wednesday night at 8 o'clock DEATH TAKES WASIL YARMOLUK AT HOME FOLLOWING ILLNESS zoz George Street PkM Olyphaat 444.

JOHN J. HANHSCLAIED BY DEATH; BURIAL RITES TOMORROW Throop, Aug. 2. John J. Hanak, 510 Edgar Street died yesterday morning in the Scrantdn State Hospital.

Mr. Hodak was born in Simp "SCOOTS TO MEET TONIGHT All Boy Scout Cubs of Troop No. 88 and Pack 80 will eet tonight for final preparation for the camping trip to Camp St Andrew on Saturday. The boys will receive instructions on what to take with them and when to meet. It is expected that about thirty boys will spend the week at St Andrews.

Tonight's meeting will be in the rooms of the Boys' Club. Honesdale, Aug 2. Miss Marian Cror Hawley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cron.

was united in marriage to Melvin Masker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Masker, on Saturday. July 31, at the Hawley Baptist Church by Rev. Mr.

Fur-ness. The bride wore a white brocaded satin wedding dress fashioned with fitted bodice, full skirt ending in a long train. The long sleeves tapered over the wrists. Her four-tiered veil of illusion fell from a seed pearl tiara and sh carried a colonial bouquet of white carnations and gladioli. Mrs.

Joseph Dunko. sister of the bride, was tha matron of honor and Miss Joyca Cion of the bride, was the bridesmaid. The former wore a light blue taffeta' gown and the latter a white ruffied net gown with sequins. They carried bouquets of assorted colors of carnations and gladioli. Henry Thiel was the best maa and Richard Masker, the usher.

The wedding breakfast wai served at the Hawley Inn. with the reception following at the bridegroom's home in Hawl-y. The couple then left on a wedding trip, the bride wearing a blua gabardine suit They wUJ reside in Hawley. Mrs Masker is a graduate of Hawley High School, class of 1947, and is stenographer in the Insurance office. The bridegroom is an employe of the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company.

in the fire house. Jack Thomas will Dickson City, Aug. 2. Wasil Yar-moluk, 225 Maple Street, died yesterday at home after a short illness. A resident of Dickson City for the past twenty-five 'years, he was employed as a laborer by the Hudson Coal Company.

Mr. Yarmoluk is survived by his wife, Mary; a son. Vincent, at home: son and had made his home here brated in St Agnes Church at 9:30 o'clock by Rev. Thomas J. McCor-mick and interment was in the parish cemetery.

The casket bearers were: William Stratford, Benjamin Paukstis. John Dunleavy. Joseph Keileher, Charles Carroll and Frank Carlson. preside. VETERANS GROUPS TO MEET for the past thirteen years.

He was employed as a machine operator in the Condenser Company Plant. Joseph M. Bailey Post, American two stepdaughters, Mrs. Mary Ko- Legion, will meet in the post rooms netsKi ana Mrs. Pearl Peters, Dickson City; two stepsons, John Pie-truszewski.

Lone Island. N. Y. and in the fire house Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Frank Lehnert will pre side.

Joseph Pietruszewski, Boston, Mass. Abington Memorial Post Veterans BLOCK PARTY OPENS TONIGHT Carbondale. Aug. 2. A block party which will continue throughout the week will open on the Seventh Avenue grounds of the Knights of Colum O'BRIEN ACTING POSTMASTER Montrose.

Aug. 2. John E. O'Brien received notification Saturday of his appointment as acting postmaster to replace Joseph L. Meehan, who retired on age.

Mr. Meehan served as postmaster for fifteen years. Other News Notes. Montrose, Aug. 2.

Mrs. Bruce Tit-man pf New York, a former Montrose resident, is spending the week at the Evergreens. Mrs. James J. Grace is moving this week to an apartment in the Frank Lake property on Church Street Mgr.

William K. Dolari of Scranton and Attorney Harry T. Dolan of New York are visiting at the nome of their mother, Mrs. James E. Dolan.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan of St. Joseph, who are spending several weeks at theor Summer home at Washington, visited the latter's aunt. Miss Alice Kelly, over the weekend.

Miss Alice Doran of Syracuse, N. is a guest at the home of her sister. Mrs. L. P.

Mahon of Locust Street Mrs. Dana aWtrous was hostess to the Thursday Bridge Club it the Montrose Garden Club dessert-bridge held at the Country Club this afternoon. Mrs. Nellie Bailey is spending some time at the home of Mrs. Alpha Meehan in HUNDREDS TAKE PART IN PARADE Several hundred firemen from Pennsylvania participated in the street parade Saturday night that marked the close the annual picnic of the East Side Hose Company.

WAS HERO TOlE HONORED Burgess William. F. Durkin- today asked all business places to display the American flag at half staff in honor of Alexander Klizanowski, 467 Delaware Street, who lost his life in World War IL His body will arrive late this afternoon. Other News Notes. There will be a regular meeting of bus tonight under -the auspices of Saul Stone Lodge.

B'nai B'rith. Dr. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock from the home, with, interment in St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery, Scott Township. PINIANSKY RITES WEDNESDAY The funeral of Pvt.

Paul Piniansky a returned World War II casual icranton. tie was a member of St. John's Church and of the St Stephen's Jednota Society. Surviving are. his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Matthew Hanak. two brothers. Michael. Bingham ton, N.

Matthew. West Point and four sisters, Mrs. Joseph Miller. Binghamton, N. Mrs.

Joseph Mrs. Stanley Dudek, N. and Miss -Barbara at home. The funeral will be held from the family home tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock with a requiem mass in St. John's Slovak Church at 9:30 o'clock.

Burial, parish cemetery. WNERS TO MEET The Throop Property Owners' Association civic affairs planning committee will, meet tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock in the Borough Building. President Felix Bergeski requests all committee members to Lyric Theatre The Big Clock." Ray, Milland, Maureen 'Sullivan. Adv. A2-tl Other Local Milton J.

Stone, ts general chairman of the affair which will feature many attractions. SAFETY AUTO GLASS Set while you wait. Uneeda Glass Co, at the "irestone Store, next to Hotel American. Phone 33. KiyAjiiS ViTLTPLAH BAXE ty, will be held from the home of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Piniansky, 312 Pancoast Street Wednesday morning with a requiem high mass at 9:30 oclock in SS. Cyril and of Foreign Wars, is scheduled to meet in the post home, Winola Road, Thursday night at 8 o'clock. John Donvito will preside. Notes of Local Interest Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Lisk of Can-esteo. N. are visiting Lisk's mother, Mrs. Pearl Sherman, Knapp Road, for two weeks.

Mrs. William Parkton of Scranton, formerly of Clarks Summit is a medical patient at West Side Hospital, Scranton. Miss Ruth Richards of Stone Avenue is spending two weeks at Girl Scout Camp, Lake Ely. Kingsley. Mr.

and- Mrs. Arthur Price of 514 Highland Avenue, and Mrs. John Wylam, R. D. No.

1, Clarks Summit returned recently after visiting friends and relatives in England and Wales for ten weeks. Miss Phyllis Pryce of Philadelphia, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pryce, over, the the Ladies' of. the East Methodius Church, Olyphant Burial, parish cemetery.

St. Michael's Holy Name Party Side Hose Company tonight at 7:45 o'clock in the Hose Company rooms. All members are requested to attend. Miss Mary De Fazio will preside. Ambrose Revels Post American Carbondale.

Aug. 2. The complet- Tonite. Church Street. Olyphant mz cf clans for tne annual clambake Legion, will meet tonight A social Aom.

Buc tax included). Adv. MIO-M-tL of the Kiwanis Club will be the. principal business for the weekly meeting of the club at 6:15 o'clock tomorrow night in Durf ee Parish House. The guest -of honor at the AT ST.

STEPHEN'S CHURCH St Monica's Guild of St Anthony's TRUCK IS DEMOLISHED AFTER IT ROLLS DOWN FJBANKENT A truck operated by Frank Thomas of 108 Twelfth Street Honesdale, left the highway threa miles west of Honesdale early Saturday morning on Route 6, and was demolished. Mr. Thomas was en route to Honesdale when he noticed another car approaching on his side vl the road as he rounded a curve, and inJ the attempt to avoid a coUisidh, his vehicle went out of control and rolled down the embankment Mr. Thomas was treated for laceration of the right wrist by Dr. E.

J. Thomas of Honesdale. Trooper William Bluff of the Honesdale State Police barracks investigated. ENTERTAINS FOR BETTY L03B. Mrs.

Walter A. er.te.-taind The vacation school sponsored by St Stephen's Slovak Evangelical Lu- meetingvwill be Miss Patricia Dra-tton. young vocalist daughter of Mr, EYNON rousn t-nurcn wm meet tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Amelina Roman. 547 Boulevard Avenue.

All membenjars asked to attend A regular meeting of ThroOp Hose Company No. 2. will be held this evening at the Washington School at -8 o'clock. Edward Dufton, will preside. i MESHOPPEN Mrs.

Charles Baker. Correspondent tneran Church closed Friday alter a six-week course. Rev. Paul M. Rafaj, pastor, was in charge, assisted by Mrs.

Rafaj, in teaching Bible history, catechism, church history, hymns and handicraft A program was presented at the final exercises when certificates and gifts were presented to the enrollees. A social hour with refreshments fol- Phono 56-K-3 Jermyn. Stella Rogers, Corerspoodeat LADIES' AUliY TO MEET Eynon, Aug. 2. Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary.

American Legion Post No. 624. will hold a special meeting tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock in the Eynon Hose Company rooms. JERMYN and Mrs. John Uragon.

a4Z Hudson Street. Mayfield. EiEXETT STESETET SHOW Carbondale. Aug. 2- A pet show will be conducted at the Birkett Street Playground tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Prizes will be aiyasded for the winning entries. On Wednesday night a social will be conducted on the grounds featuring games and refreshments. The big social affair of the association' will be a block party now being planned for threer. days, commencing Monday, Aug. 18.

Kitchen Help Wanted Over twenty years old Apply dietician at General Hospital. Blakely News Briefs. The Woman's Societv of Ch ristinn The Ladies' Aid Society of thef at a linen shower Saturday after noon at ner home. GolX Hill, in honor of Miss Bettv Lobb. Th aft church will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock.

The Young People's Society will meet Thursday night at the same hour, both in the church rooms. Lyric Club Tonight Roger's Hall, Eynon. Adv. A12-Mon-tf "MONTDALE Mrs. Pearl Kennedy.

Correspondent Phone. Dalton 13-R-4. Meshoppen, Aug. 2. Recent "births at Tyler Memorial Hospital follow: July 27.

a son to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kasson of Mehoopany; July 27, a son to Mr. and Mrs. George Benson of Nicholson: July 26, a son to Mr.

and Mrs. Cecil Stone of Montrose: July 22. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alton Kile of Tunk-hannock: July 21, a son to Mr.

and Mrs. James Harvey of Nicholson. Miss Ruth Love, who spent a few days the past week with her uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs. Archie Grow, has returned to her home at South Auburn.

Miss Nellie LaFrance spent Thursday with relatives at Bardwell. Francis Dougherty of Wilkes-Barre recently visited his mother, Mrs. Ella Malloy and family. MOUNT P0C0N0 8. P.

Brodelt Correspondent Phono 5421 Service of the Peckville Methodist Church will meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock on the parsonage lawn. Mrs. Doris Martin has resumed her duties at the Mid-Valley Hospital after spending the past month at Lake Winola. Miss Matfolin Evans and Mrs. Margaret Dudley.

319vFirst Street, have returned home from Ardmore and Ocean City, N. J. Miss Margaret Dudley of the same address has also returned home after spending the past several weeks at West Chester GRZENDA INFANT SUCCUMBS Anthony Grzenda seven-week old son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthonv session will follow the business meeting.

MAYFIELD Frla Pfdgeoa, Correspondent Phone Jermya 237 WILL STAGElENEFIT picnic Mayfield, Aug. 2. The women of the Sacred Heart Mary Parish have announced plans fo? a picnic to be held on Aug. 15,. 16 and 17 for the church fund.

The affairs will be held at the corner of Penn Avenue and Mple Srfeet Mayfield, with Mrs. Anthony Rock as general chairman and Mrs. William Evans, cochairman. Among the aides are: Mrs. Louis Orlando, chairman, and Mrs.

James cochairman; refreshments stand No. Joseph (Deputy) Matte, chairman, and Michael Solomon, cochairman, refreshment stand No. Frank Constantine, chairmna. and James Perry, cochairman, games. A meeting of all committee members will be held in the Borough Building tomorrow night to make further arrangements for the social.

Other Local News. A regular meeting of Borough Council will be held at 7:30 o'clock this evening with Joseph Pittsman presiding. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daley, Newark, N.

spent the weekend wiht relatives in town. Miss Ruth Murray, New York City, is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Nellie Murray, Lackawanna Avenue. Wilbur V. Wilson, Weehawken, N.

spent the weekend at the family home on Cemetery Street. Officers of Kulick-Sadowsky Post Veterans of Foreign, Wars, have announced plans for a dance to be held in the Russian Parish Hall next month. Com. Joseph. Kiehart is chairman of the social committee.

Helen Fitzsimmons. R.N.. Grzenda. 801 Varmalt Street, died dr. JJ-31-U GENERAL HOSPITAL BIRTHS Teachers' College in postgraduate Family Reunion Enjoyed.

Montdale, Aug. 2. The Wiebel-Williams family reunion was held recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Oakley, Green Grove, The following officers were elected: Mrs.

William Clark nrpsi. ernoon was spent playing cards, after which refreshments were served by the hostess. Mis Lobb was with many beauuful gifts. Those present, in addition to tha hostess and guest of honor, were; Mrs. Monaghan, Mrs.

F. A. Lobb. Miss Virginia Lobb. Mrs.

George A. Schmiat Mrs. Elizabeth Armbruster. Mrs. Robert Creasy, 'Mrs.

Dorothy Fives. Mrs. Dorothy Rutherford. Misses Marion L. Bussa and Evelyn Lampart.

Wayne Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Emmons Tennant of Honesdale was admitted Friday. Borge Larsen of New York Ctiy and Shirley Seeley of EquiaurJc were discharged yesterday. Mrs.

Leo Cur an of Honesdale and Bernard Monte of New York City were discharged Saturdav. Gertrude Miller of R. D. 2, Lake Ariel: Roy Spry of Honesdale R. D.

4. and Lyndon Schweighofer of Honesdale were admitted Saturday. The latter was discharged following treatment. Harold Bishop of Honesdale was Mrs. Klehard Marlon.

Correspondent Jermyn, Aug. 2. St Mary's Altar Society of St Michael's Russian Orthodox Church is making plans for its annual block party and picnic to be hejd.on Sept. 2, 3. 4 and 6.

Mrs. Jubinski is The Crystal "Fire Company is completing plans for a picnic to be held on Aug. 12. 13 and 14 on Its Main Street lot Thomas Evans is general chairman and William West-ington Sr, is cochairman. Various form of entertainment will be provided and refreshments will be on sale.

Mrs. Charles Heller and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heller of Wyalusing; Mr. and Mrs.

Goodrich and Janet and David Goodrich of Somer-ville. N. and Mr. and. Mrs.

Jasper Telford and daughter Marjorie, and Miss Jean aVU of Chapman Lake were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Dunn. Mr.

and Mrs. Ronald Bishop of Factoryville spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Cawley.

Mr. and Mrs. William Haunstein and children of Decatur Heights, Md, are visiting Mr. and George Dunn. MINOOKA PAUL JENNINGS 'FaneraJ Service.

Phone 4-5554. -r- Adv. Mons-Weds -tf. A new type of brain operation Which can relieve the nnin of ranwr education work. Mr.

and Mrs. Reginald Houghton, 133 Main Street are vacationing at their Summer home at Chapman Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George X.

Williams, 725 West Lackawanna Avenue, are visiting at the George Morgan Cottage, Lake Sheridan. Miss Jennie Maggs and Mrs. Eva Cook, Grant Avenue; Miss Helen dent; Mrs. Nelson Wademan, vice president; Mrs. Emery Slocum, sec retary, ana airs, rtaymona Wallace, treasurer.

this morning after an illness of pneumonia. In addition to his parents, the Infant is survived by a brother, Edward, at home, his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Anna Karpowich, Throop, and his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Bernice Grzenda, Dickson The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from the Wiorkowski Funeral Home, 1115 Main Street with a blessing service at 2 o'clock in St. Anthony's Church, Throop.

Burial, parish cemetery. PTA WUI Meet The Parent-Teacher Association of St Mary's Parochial School will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the auditorium. Mrs. Helen Zebrowski will preside. Lyric Club Tonight Roger's Hall, Eynon.

Adv. A12-Mon-tf Sodality Will Meet' Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. Mount Pocono. Aug. 2.

Mrs. James Dillinger had Mrs. Dean Hans-comb of Lake Arrowhead, as her guest Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reese entertained the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Reese, New York City, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton have had as their guest for two weeks the latter's nice.

Miss Jean Welsh. SPRINGVILLE Mrs. K. bV Riloy. Cerresveadoai Phone 733L nard Comonitski.

Boyd Slocum. -Carbondale. Aug. .2. Four births were reported from the General Hospital over1 the weekend a daughter to Mr.

and Mrs. John Nemitz, 19 Belmont Street, and sons to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mussari. 573 Washington Avenue.

Jermyn. former residents of Brooklvn Street: Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Grum. 126 Depot Street Forest City, and Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Mancuso. 17 Belmont Street 3 BIRTHS AlST. JOSEPH'S Carbondale. Aug.

2. A son has been born at St Joseph's Hospital to Mr. Mrs. Anthony Gardus, 293 Canaan Street, and daughters to "Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Bennett, R. 2. Uniondale. and Mr. and Mrs.

John McAndrew. 19 Craft Street. Arch-bald. Other News Notes. Frank 'Gabriel.

18 Villa Street and Mrs. Emily Davis, 822 Jefferson "Avenue. Jermyn. are medical patients at the General Hospital. Miss Betty Gaffney.

13 Pidgeon Avenue4 has been admitted to the General Hospital for surgical Thomas Towers and Francis Mazu-rowski have returned home from a week's vacation at Chapman Lake. Mrs. John Letkiewicz. 1026 Grant Springville, Aug, 2. Mrs.

H. B. Court, spent the weekend in Syra cuse, N. 'Y where she accompanied Scranton. iee ana ner nouse guest, Mrs.

Josephine Tuttle of Tunkhannock, were quests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Allen at South Montrose on Friday. Minot Riley Jr. spent the week Mr.

and Mrs. John Masionis entertained the latter's mother, Mrs. John week. her son-in-law and Mr. and Mrs Stanley Urbanowicz.

Mrs. Urbanowicz returned with her mother to Dickson City for an extended stay. Hahnemann Hospital, Scranton, spent aiscnargea aaturaay. Paul Larsen of Brooklyn, N. Mrs.

Joseph Kalinich. of Newark. N. J. and Mrs.

Walter Wallne of Brooklyn, were admitted yesterday. Mrs. Kallinich was discharged yesterday. A was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Diehl of Milanvilie yesterday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ouxhtori of Paunack on Sat Mary's Visitation Church will meet tne past lew nays at the ramiiy home on Lackawanna Avenue. Mr. and Mrs.

John Danylak, Syra in special session tonight at 7:30 cuse, are guests of the former's end in Pittsburgh Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kills and Mr.

and Mrs. David Hunter left Friday for a motor trip to the Thousand! Islands and other points of interest, Mr. and Mrs. C. G.

Avery left Sat- urday for Canadaigua Lake. N. where they have taken a cottage fort a tko-weeks' vacation- o'clock in the parish hall. Miss mother. Mrs.

Catherine Danylak, The metasequoias or "dawn redwood' trees, which were discovered recently in China and the specimens of which were supposed to have perished 20.000.000 years ago. are be the Chinese government i special concern. Pancoast Street. Michael Evancho vvanaa jarosinsKi wm presiae. DIekson City News Notes.

or -other malignant diseases without disturbing normal mentality was Matamoras, Mexico, is to have an anti-rat and anti-malaria campaign in which every building in the city will be fumigated. i Syracuse also visiting at the John Gerchak, John Rolka, Ber-Daylak residence. recently aescrioea. urday..

The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)


What was the highest population of Scranton PA? ›

Scranton's population dropped over 67,000 from its peak of 143,433 in the 1930 census to 76,089 in the 2010 census, but rebounded slightly by 2020.

What happened to the Scranton Times? ›

Until August 2023, it was the flagship title of Times-Shamrock Communications and run by three generations of the Lynett-Haggerty family. It is now owned by MediaNews Group, a subsidiary of Alden Global Capital.

What is the oldest house in Scranton? ›

In 1771, Isaac Tripp became the first settler in Scranton. In 1778, his son Isaac II built Tripp House. It is the oldest home in Scranton and is open for tours. The house was enlarged in a Federalist Style around 1812 by Isaac III.

What percentage of Scranton is white? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Scranton, PA are White (Non-Hispanic) (68.6%), Two+ (Hispanic) (6.4%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (5.83%), White (Hispanic) (5.7%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (4.74%).

Why is Scranton so famous? ›

Scranton is noted for its production of Nottingham lace. With the decline and later demise of the coal industry from the 1950s, the city diversified its economy and received national recognition for its “Scranton Plan,” which provided jobs through industrial expansion.

What was the original name of Scranton PA? ›

Prior to being named Scranton in 1851, the area was known as Unionville, Slocum Hollow, Harrison, and Scrantonia.

What TV show was filmed in Scranton Pennsylvania? ›

This type of shooting is also known as a mockumentary. The Office starts when a documentary crew arrives to experience the day at the seemingly ordinary paper company, Dunder Mifflin Scranton Branch.

What has happened to Scranton's population since 1940? ›

Population Growth in Scranton

However, the city began to post declines in its population starting in 1940. The population continued to drop at every 10-year census following. The peak population for Scranton was recorded at the 1930 census when the number reached over 143,000.

What is the population change in Scranton? ›

The current metro area population of Scranton in 2024 is 376,000, a 0.27% increase from 2023. The metro area population of Scranton in 2023 was 375,000, a 0.27% increase from 2022. The metro area population of Scranton in 2022 was 374,000, a 0.27% decline from 2021.

What was the largest city in the colony of Pennsylvania? ›

By 1776, the Province of Pennsylvania had become the third largest English colony in America, Philadelphia had become the largest English-speaking city in the world next to London. There were originally only three counties: Philadelphia, Chester, and Bucks. By 1773 there were eleven.

What is Scranton, PA famous for? ›

As Northeastern Pennsylvania's largest city, Scranton boasts a rich heritage, including its pivotal role in the Industrial Revolution. While it may be best recognized as the hometown of the fictional Dunder Mifflin from NBC's hit show, The Office, Scranton's significance extends far beyond the world of pop culture.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.